Go for IT: Technology & Security

Providing technical support for the entire Galliker Group, ensuring operational security and developing new tools are just as much a part of our everyday work as the training and development of employees and apprentices. From our location in Altishofen, we support around 30 branches throughout Europe and ensure smooth processes in everyday work thanks to state-of-the-art technology, a culture of ideas and strong teamwork.

Jobs & Career

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Our expertise

Our IT team supports the transport and logistics processes of the entire Galliker Group on a daily basis. With innovative solutions and customer-oriented services, we optimize efficiency and service quality for our customers - the on-call service is available around the clock to solve any problems immediately.

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Our way of working

Our teams work according to agile working methods. Projects are managed and implemented efficiently using the specially developed Galliker Agile Framework. We rely on an agile organization with a flat hierarchy and short decision-making paths. The modern workplace design enables teams to work together creatively. We are shaping the future of the working world by using the latest technologies. We are opening the doors to an environment in which dynamism and innovation go hand in hand.

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Services & technologies

The development of new applications, systems and tools that make work easier for our employees and customers is just as much a part of our everyday work as constant compliance with security guidelines. We also provide support for users of the Galliker system environment, test new tools and support the implementation of new processes.

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Jobs & Career

Discover your future in IT at Galliker. At the IT Academy, we offer you a wide range of opportunities to make your career dreams come true, from apprenticeships to targeted further training. Benefit from our employee benefits, a modern workplace and plenty of flexibility in your everyday life.

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Infrastructure and security

Cybersecurity is a very high priority at the Galliker Group. Detecting and rectifying faults or points of risk is part of our day-to-day work, as is the ongoing optimization of the IT infrastructure, which is essential for protecting sensitive data and processes. The task of constantly finding new solutions that meet both customer requirements and security standards presents us with exciting challenges time and again.