Good logistics solutions are direct, logical and simple

Customer requirements are also our top priority in the field of healthcare logistics - we use our expertise and the knowledge of our specialist staff to transform customer requirements into logical and efficient logistics processes. This enables us to develop essential additional services that always comply with medical guidelines.


Logical solutions for efficient processes

Various additional services tailored to individual customer requirements round off our healthcare logistics offering. Our GMP certification enables us to carry out packing orders, packaging work, product labeling, new forms of supply and other tasks in-house that relieve our customers of their own processes. Together with our clients, we are constantly finding new, innovative solutions to make logical supply chain processes more efficient and cost-effective.
For us, this means: thinking logistics further.

  • Pallet and detail picking
  • Single and multi-order picking
  • System connections via EDI e.g. DESADV
  • Execution of shrink and flowpacking
  • Creating multipacks / filling sales displays
  • Tecturing of products